Replacing or installing new windows does a lot more than just update the style of your home. New windows can actually save you money in several ways. Here’s an idea of what you can expect when you install new replacement windows from Four Seasons Home Products.

Lower Your Energy Bills with New Windows
Old windows can cause your energy bills to start hiking up. Uneven frames, cracked glass, and broken seals can all leave you with a drafty home that is literally sucking money from your wallet. If you’re replacing windows or installing them in a new home, be sure to choose new energy efficient brands to start saving more on your energy bills. Older homes with leaky single pane windows can expect to see a 20–25% savings, and newer homes can expect to see around 10–15% savings when compared to energy bills of new homes with standard windows.

Less Maintenance Means Less Time and Money
Replacing or installing new windows can also save you in the long-term when it comes to maintaining them. New windows are associated with lower maintenance costs due to their more durable materials like vinyl, advanced weather stripping, and insulated glass structure. They will be less likely to cause you problems and have a longer lifespan than your previous windows did. Many new styles of windows are also easier to clean, saving you money and time. Ask your Four Seasons consultant about the different types of window styles that could work in your home.

Add Resale Value to Your Home by Replacing or Installing New Windows
New windows can increase the resale value of your home by making your home look nicer, but also by making your home more energy efficient. Newer windows can help insulate your home better in both the warm and cooler months, meaning savings all year round. Call Four Seasons Home Products today and ask about our top-of-the-line energy efficient window brands.